0021: RUN

0021: RUN

0021: The cop watches Everly’s lips encircle the white tube and tighten around it. “Blow into it as much air as you can.”

The waiting officer rubs his cheek. It’s stubbly. He should have shaved so he could keep it nice.

The officer checks the reading. Everly studies his face. She searches for a sign. It’s negative. It has to be.

The officer looks at the black cylinder. “I’m going to need you to blow again.”

Everly blows a second time.

Her eyes stray to the billboard. Suddenly, she’s on top of the poster. As if she’s the camera, looking down at herself: a small yellow speck. The emergency lights from her car flick red, violent splashes on her skin and across the pavement.
Everly looks out from her perch high above Westwood. She can, indeed, see the ocean. A pool of black, far off, with city lights glistening on the edge, as if they are afraid to disappear into the void.

The waiting officer pushes off the car and moves to Everly. He hovers behind her. Everly stares down at herself from the top of the billboard.

The first officer nods. Everly sees what is going to happen to her…

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